The Super Saiyan 4 form was designed by Toei Animation's character designer Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru. Hybrid Saiyans can also achieve Super Saiyan 4 without tails, as in Dragon Ball Heroes, Gohan was able to train to achieve the form without his tail, and Xeno Trunks was originally going to be given the form as well before developers decided on Super Saiyan God instead. īroly is capable of using his unique version of Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan, to transcend Great Ape and become a Legendary Super Saiyan-type Great Ape, matching the transformation criteria to achieve a 'Legendary Super Saiyan 4'. In Dragon Ball GT only, it is declared that the transformation cannot be accessed at will and requires exposure to Blutz Waves each time the user wishes to transform (Goku apparently being a special case as he is capable of transforming freely). For a Saiyan to attain Super Saiyan 4, they must be able to transform into a Golden Great Ape (the Super Saiyan version of a Great Ape), and subsequently regain conscious control over their form.